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The big question is arises about what does make it interest to adopt this technology to build the building. What does the advantage of using this technology? What is the root cause to use this method to build a building? What is a “Carbon Neutral” Building? I am trying to cover all the details in this article, which are related to Carbon Negative building.
What is the Carbon Negative building and from where this idea came?
As we know, for the last two decades all the environmentalists, scientists, many organizations and individuals people all are giving emphasis to reduce the temperature of the world. Temperature increment is the greatest factor in climate change. What step should be taken to tackle this humongou...
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Magnetic Field Architecture
Magnetic Field Architecture (MFA) is based on Lenz’s Law, which states that if a magnetic field moves relative to a conductor, an eddy current is generated in that conductor. The technology uses engines to generate a primary magnetic field. These, in turn, create eddy currents, which generate a magnetic field of their own, mirroring the primary field causing them to repel one another. By focusing this electromagnetic energy downward, they are capable of generating lift.
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